Create Business Lite API

Unlike the Create Business API where Partners can create a full business, this Create Business Lite API allows Partners to create a business by inviting users to complete their business data in DOKU Dashboard.


Request Header

Client-Id: BRN-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: fdb69f47-96da-499d-acec-7cdc318ab2fe
Request-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=1jap2tpgvWt83tG4J7IhEwUrwmMt71OaIk0oL0e6sPM=

Request Parameters

  "business": {
    "partner_ref_id": "13aa67f8-c2ac-437c-9eb5-e5b1934fbfcc",
    "name": "John Store",
    "contact": {
      "name": "John Michael",
      "email": "",
      "phone_calling_code": "62",
      "phone_number": "81510229216"
  "referral": {
    "code": "ABC123"
  "invited_user": {
    "email": "string"


    "business": {
        "id": "BSN-0103-1700206906468",
        "partner_ref_id": "PARTNER-TEST-MPE-JSM-171123.1",
        "brands": [
                "id": "BRN-0103-1700206906471"

Last updated