Kartu Kredit Indonesia Cepat Secure(KKI CPTS)

Kartu Kredit Indonesia

Kartu Kredit indonesia is a new payment method initiated by Bank Indonesia & Asosiasi Sistem Pembayaran Indonesia(ASPI) instead of the usual credit card scheme transaction which uses PAN, Expiry Date and CVV requires CPAN (Customer PAN) and OTT(One Time Token) and Confirmation on Issuer's App before payment requested can be authorized and completed.

Payment Channels Supported

DOKU Is one of the first-mover Payment Gateway partnered with BI & ASPI with multiple issuers to support KKI

With many more coming soon and will be automatically supported when available.

Interested in KKI ?

Do you think that might KKI might suits your project? Send your request here!

Last updated