To get the status of a transaction, you can send a request to DOKU Check Status API. It will response with the transaction status. This method requires the transaction order.invoice_number (or Request-Id) as the identifier.

Hit Check status after 60 seconds after payment completion!

To get the status for the transaction, please ensure your application is already hit after 60 seconds after payment completion.

API Request

Here is the sample of notification request header:

Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: e71fe02a-bfef-4af9-a6f6-2cf1f03b00e7
Request-Timestamp: 2020-11-18T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=vl9DBTX5KhEiXmnpOD0TSm8PYQknuHPdyHSTSc3W6Ps=

Request Header Explanation

Signature Generation for GET Method

For GET Method, you don't need to generate a Digest. Learn more on this section.

API Response

The response will be similar to HTTP notification. Some parameters might not be presented in certain status cases, please check our Postman Collection to try it out yourself.

Convenience store

  • Alfa

  • Indomaret

The response will be similar to HTTP notification. Some parameters might not be presented in certain status cases, please check our Postman Collection to try it yourself.

    "order": {
        "invoice_number": "INV-67220100000",
        "amount": 120000
    "transaction": {
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "date": "2021-12-29T02:37:35Z",
        "original_request_id": "INV-67220100000"
    "service": {
        "id": "ONLINE_TO_OFFLINE"
    "acquirer": {
        "id": "ALFA"
    "channel": {
        "id": "ONLINE_TO_OFFLINE_ALFA"
    "online_to_offline_info": {
        "created_date": "20211229093735",
        "expired_date": "20211229100732",
        "reusable_status": "false"
    "online_to_offline_payment": {
        "identifier": [
                "name": "AGENT_ID",
                "value": "ALFAMART"
                "name": "AGENT_STORE_ID",
                "value": "store"
                "name": "AGENT_TRX_ID",
                "value": "505045001763766906"

Alfa O2O Notification Explanation


  • DOKU e-Wallet

  • OVO Push Payment

  • OVO Recurring

  • Link Aja

The response will be similar to HTTP notification. Some parameters might not be presented in certain status cases, please check our Postman Collection to try it yourself.

Coming Soon
Coming Soon

Direct Debit

    "order": {
        "amount": 500000,

Direct Debit Notification Explanation


  • Sale

  • Recurring

  • Authorize

  • Capture

The response will be similar to HTTP notification. Some parameters might not be presented in certain status cases, please check our Postman Collection to try it yourself.

    "order": {
        "invoice_number": "INV-1645668870",
        "amount": 90000
    "transaction": {
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "date": "2022-02-24T02:15:05Z",
        "type": "RECURRING",
        "original_request_id": "091773eb-a482-408d-949d-73281d91f610"
    "service": {
        "id": "CREDIT_CARD"
    "acquirer": {
        "id": "BANK_MANDIRI"
    "channel": {
        "id": "CREDIT_CARD"
    "card_payment": {
        "card_masked": "461700*******6656",
        "approval_code": "194462",
        "response_code": "00",
        "response_message": "PAYMENT APPROVED",
        "type": "RECURRING",
        "acquiring_off_us_status": "FALSE",
        "request_id": "091773eb-a482-408d-949d-73281d91f610",
        "card_type": "Debit",
        "three_dsecure_status": "TRUE",
        "issuer": "PT. BANK MANDIRI (PERSERO), Tbk",
        "transaction_status": "SUCCESS",
        "brand": "VISA",
        "date": "2022-02-24T02:15:05Z"


Credit Card Notification Explanation


The response will be similar to HTTP notification. Some parameters might not be presented in certain status cases, please check our Postman Collection to try it yourself.

    "order": {
        "invoice_number": "invoice-000001014123sdd4",
        "amount": 110000
    "transaction": {
        "status": "PENDING",
        "date": "2024-07-12T06:47:40Z",
        "original_request_id": "93337206-946b-4949-b0c9-15cd04556e09"
    "service": {
        "id": "PEER_TO_PEER"
    "acquirer": {
        "id": "AKULAKU",
        "name": "Akulaku"
    "channel": {
        "id": "PEER_TO_PEER_AKULAKU"
    "peer_to_peer_payment": {
        "status": "PENDING",
        "date": "2024-07-12T06:47:40Z",
        "identifier": [
                "name": "merchant_unique_reference",
                "value": "TEST-ABC-000104"
                "name": "akulaku_unique_reference",
                "value": "MCH-0008-1218873017641TEST-ABC-000104"
                "name": "order_id",
                "value": "MCH-0008-1218873017641TEST-ABC-000104"

Last updated