Bulk Registration Bank

This feature will enable merchant to manage settlement bank account via host to host protocol

The feature needs to be activated before merchants can start to use the feature. Please see steps listed below :

Activate Bulk Registration Bank Features

This feature will enable merchant to create, edit, and get settlement bank account in bulk via H2H API. Due to safety consideration, merchant have to enabling manually after finished onboarding.

Steps to enable the feature as follows :

  1. Login to DOKU dashboard

  2. Go to menu Setting > Service

  1. Click "Add Service" button

  2. Under menu of "Financial Service", choose Others

  3. Check "Bulk Registration Bank" option

  4. Saved by click button Activate

  5. Click document icon to download "Surat Instruksi Pelimpahan Dana" template document to be filled in

  6. Upload "Surat Instruksi Pelimpahan Dana" in PDF format

  7. After document successfully uploaded, click "Activate" button.

  8. The service will be successfully send. You can click "OK" button

API for Settlement Bank Account

This is a documentation for host-to-host API Bank Account.

1. Create Settlement Bank Account

To create settlement bank account, you will need to hit this API through your Backend :

2. Update Settlement Bank Account

Update settlement bank account only able for data in “verified” state. To update settlement bank account, you will need to hit this API through your Backend:

3. Get Settlement Bank Account

To get settlement bank account, you will need to hit this API through your Backend :

Last updated