HTTP Notification Sample for SNAP

HTTP Notification sample for SNAP Payment Methods

After setting up your Notification URL, we will send the notification for certain events such as when the Virtual Account has been paid by your customers, etc.

Once the customers finish the payment, DOKU will send the notification to your defined Notification URL.

Virtual Account

Here is the sample notification that DOKU will send to merchant's server. For Virtual Account SNAP has same sample notification.

The list of Virtual Account SNAP, you can find here.

Direct Debit

Here is the sample notification that DOKU will send to merchant's server. For Direct Debit SNAP has same sample notification.

The list of Direct Debit SNAP, you can find here.


The notification format for SNAP e-wallet transactions exhibits minor differences from those of other e-wallets. For further details please refer to sample notification below.

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