HTTP Notification Sample - Non SNAP HTTP Notification Sample for Payment Method Non SNAP
After setting up your Notification URL
, we will send the notification for certain events such as when the Virtual Account has been paid by your customers, Credit Card has been charged, Credit Card failed, and etc.
Once the customers finish the payment, DOKU will send the notification to your defined Notification URL
Virtual Account
Here is the sample notification that DOKU will send to merchant's server :
Here is the sample of notification request header :
Copy Client-Id: MCH -0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: 479 b 663 f -5 c 9 d -400 d -8e80-3e548 a 8 f 7639
Request-Timestamp: 2020-08-11 T 08 : 45 : 42 Z
Signature: HMACSHA 256 =vl 9 DBTX 5 KhEiXmnpOD 0 TSm 8 PYQknuHPdyHSTSc 3 W 6 Ps=
Parameter Description Client ID you retrieved from DOKU Back Office
Unique random string (max 128 characters) that generated by DOKU to make sure no duplicate notification
Time Stamp request on UTC time in ISO8601 format
Verify the Signature to ensure the Notification Authenticity coming from DOKU. Please refer to this section
Here is the sample notification request body :
Copy {
"service" : {
} ,
"acquirer" : {
"id" : "BCA"
} ,
"channel" : {
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2021-01-27T03:24:23Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "15022aab-444f-4b04-afa8-ddfce89432ec"
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-20210124-0001" ,
"amount" : 150000
} ,
"virtual_account_info" : {
"virtual_account_number" : "1900600000000046"
} ,
"virtual_account_payment" : {
"identifer" : [
"name" : "REQUEST_ID" ,
"value" : "7892931"
} ,
"name" : "REFERENCE" ,
"value" : "6769200"
} ,
"name" : "CHANNEL_TYPE" ,
"value" : "6010"
Copy {
"service" : {
} ,
"acquirer" : {
} ,
"channel" : {
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2021-01-27T07:24:50Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "cc682442-6c22-493e-8121-b9ef6b3fa728"
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-20210124-0001" ,
"amount" : 150000
} ,
"virtual_account_info" : {
"virtual_account_number" : "8889940000000213"
} ,
"virtual_account_payment" : {
"identifier" : [
"name" : "TRANSACTION_ID" ,
"value" : "8341422"
} ,
"name" : "CHANNEL_ID" ,
"value" : "001"
Copy {
"service" : {
} ,
"acquirer" : {
} ,
"channel" : {
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2021-01-27T06:00:20Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "d24a5644-6078-4249-8740-4a6dcd92df5a"
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-20210124-0001" ,
"amount" : 150000
} ,
"virtual_account_info" : {
"virtual_account_number" : "6059000000000205"
} ,
"virtual_account_payment" : {
"identifier" : [
"name" : "PAY_TERMINAL_ID" ,
"value" : ""
} ,
"name" : "BANK_REFERENCE" ,
"value" : "1232990188"
} ,
"name" : "PAY_CHANNEL" ,
"value" : "6019"
Copy {
"service" : {
} ,
"acquirer" : {
"id" : "BRI"
} ,
"channel" : {
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2020-08-11T09:06:18Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "e5a8a8b8-7eab-4be3-91d8-5e2d7ab7cc25"
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-20210124-0001" ,
"amount" : 150000
} ,
"virtual_account_info" : {
"virtual_account_number" : "1236260000000004"
} ,
"virtual_account_payment" : {
"identifier" : [
"name" : "TRANSAKSI_ID" ,
"value" : "127503812"
} ,
"name" : "TERMINAL_ID" ,
"value" : "1"
Copy {
"service" : {
} ,
"acquirer" : {
"id" : "BNI"
} ,
"channel" : {
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-1640337742" ,
"amount" : 20000
} ,
"virtual_account_info" : {
"virtual_account_number" : "8803300000000098" ,
"merchant_unique_reference" : "UNIQUE_00003" ,
"billing_type" : "FIXED" ,
"identifier" : [
"name" : "BILLING_NUMBER" ,
"value" : "3280300000000001234"
} ,
"virtual_account_payment" : {
"identifier" : [
"name" : "TRX_ID" ,
"value" : "11901640337564039UNIQUE_00003"
} ,
"name" : "PAYMENT_NTB" ,
"value" : "228853"
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2021-12-24T16:23:39Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "456b001e-adc8-4fb8-a976-95831fb61468"
Copy {
"service" : {
} ,
"acquirer" : {
"id" : "DOKU"
} ,
"channel" : {
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2021-01-22T07:06:28Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "09e0defe-a071-45b3-9feb-ac134374628c"
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-20210124-0001" ,
"amount" : 150000
} ,
"virtual_account_info" : {
"virtual_account_number" : "8000100000000323"
} ,
"virtual_account_payment" : {
"identifier" : [
"name" : "TRACE_NUMBER" ,
"value" : "19832"
} ,
"value" : "d094700e379f0fb3b543e25c77f8e4b3e068f057"
} ,
"value" : ""
Copy {
"service" : {
} ,
"acquirer" : {
"id" : "CIMB"
} ,
"channel" : {
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2020-08-11T09:06:18Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "e5a8a8b8-7eab-4be3-91d8-5e2d7ab7cc25"
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-20210124-0001" ,
"amount" : 150000
} ,
"virtual_account_info" : {
"virtual_account_number" : "1236260000000004"
} ,
"virtual_account_payment" : {
"identifier" : [
"name" : "TRANSAKSI_ID" ,
"value" : "127503812"
} ,
"name" : "TERMINAL_ID" ,
"value" : "1"
Copy {
"service" : {
} ,
"acquirer" : {
} ,
"channel" : {
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2020-08-11T09:06:18Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "e5a8a8b8-7eab-4be3-91d8-5e2d7ab7cc25"
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-20210124-0001" ,
"amount" : 150000
} ,
"virtual_account_info" : {
"virtual_account_number" : "1236260000000004"
} ,
"virtual_account_payment" : {
"identifier" : [
"name" : "TRANSAKSI_ID" ,
"value" : "127503812"
} ,
"name" : "TERMINAL_ID" ,
"value" : "1"
Copy {
"acquirer" : {
"id" : "BANK_DANAMON" ,
"name" : "Bank Danamon"
} ,
"service" : {
"name" : "Virtual Account"
} ,
"channel" : {
"name" : "Virtual Account Bank Danamon"
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-1635748123946513" ,
"amount" : 20000
} ,
"virtual_account_info" : {
"virtual_account_number" : "8922600000000063"
} ,
"virtual_account_payment" : {
"reference_number" : "AFNGf6wAWrFe2LSmpfXviRXYv7nPK1LOsao9TtLC" ,
"date" : "20211206152845" ,
"identifier" : [
"name" : "USER_REF_NO" ,
"value" : "AFNGf6wAWrFe2LSmpfXviRXYv7nPK1LOsao9TtLC"
} ,
"name" : "PAY_ACCOUNT" ,
"value" : "706913838473"
} ,
"name" : "PAY_BANK" ,
"value" : "Danamon"
} ,
"name" : "PAY_DESC" ,
"value" : "Payment Simulator for 8922600000000063"
} ,
"name" : "PAY_AMOUNT" ,
"value" : "20000"
} ,
"name" : "BILL_AMOUNT" ,
"value" : "20000"
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"original_request_id" : "b693d940-bd15-4b85-9d02-57844c4039e3" ,
"date" : "2021-12-06T08:28:45Z"
Virtual Account Notification Explanation
Parameter Type Mandatory Description The service that is used for the transaction
The acquirer that processed the transaction
The channel of the transaction
The transaction status to be use to update the status on merchant side
Possible value: SUCCESS
since VA only notify when payment is success
The date when the transaction is completed by the customer in ISO 8601 format (UTC + 0)
The request ID that sent when initiate the payment
Same as the request that merchant sent on the payment initiation
Same as the request that merchant sent on the payment initiation
The virtual account number that used for the transaction
List of transaction identifier that coming from the acquiring. Merchant can save these data for reference
Credit Card
Here is the sample notification that DOKU will send to merchant's server.
Here is the sample notification request header :
Copy Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: 370c993c-e5ee-4dfc-9e47-0474b55c7b4b
Request-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=vl9DBTX5KhEiXmnpOD0TSm8PYQknuHPdyHSTSc3W6Ps
Parameter Description Client ID you retrieved from DOKU Back Office
Unique random string (max 128 characters) that generated by DOKU to make sure no duplicate notification
Time Stamp request on UTC time in ISO8601 format
Verify the Signature to ensure the Notification Authenticity coming from DOKU. Please refer to this section
Here is the sample notification request body :
Copy {
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-1672986414" ,
"amount" : 90000
} ,
"customer" : {
"id" : "W7rbKhPYh76VSHYwHRaGDIbBhgTebgAoWtX" ,
"name" : "Anton Budiman" ,
"email" : ""
} ,
"transaction" : {
"type" : "SALE" ,
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2023-01-06T06:27:14Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "a438194b-ed79-421a-adb6-062496b08c7b"
} ,
"service" : {
"id" : "CREDIT_CARD"
} ,
"acquirer" : {
} ,
"channel" : {
"id" : "CREDIT_CARD"
} ,
"card_payment" : {
"masked_card_number" : "557338******1101" ,
"approval_code" : "448998" ,
"response_code" : "00" ,
"response_message" : "PAYMENT APPROVED" ,
"issuer" : "PT. BANK MANDIRI (PERSERO), Tbk"
} ,
"authorize_id" : "16920747459243358" ,
Credit Card Notification Explanation
Parameter Type Mandatory Description Same as the request that merchant sent on the payment initiation
Same as the request that merchant sent on the payment initiation
Same as the request that merchant sent on the payment initiation
Same as the request that merchant sent on the payment initiation
Same as the request that merchant sent on the payment initiation
Transaction Type
The transaction status to be use to update the status on merchant side
Possible value: SUCCESS, FAILED
The date when the transaction is completed by the customer in ISO 8601 format (UTC + 0)
The request ID that sent when initiate the payment
The service that is used for the transaction
The acquirer that processed the transaction
The channel of the transaction`
Used to capture transaction in
Authorize Capture
The masked card number that charged for this transaction
Acquirer approval code for this transaction
DOKU / Acquirer response code
DOKU / Acquirer response message
Convenience Store
Here is the sample notification that DOKU will send to merchant's server.
Here is the sample notification request header :
Copy Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: 370c993c-e5ee-4dfc-9e47-0474b55c7b4b
Request-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=vl9DBTX5KhEiXmnpOD0TSm8PYQknuHPdyHSTSc3W6Ps
Parameter Description Client ID you retrieved from DOKU Back Office
Unique random string (max 128 characters) that generated by DOKU to make sure no duplicate notification
Time Stamp request on UTC time in ISO8601 format
Verify the Signature to ensure the Notification Authenticity coming from DOKU. Please refer to this section
Here is the sample notification request body :
Alfa Group Alfa Group for Insurance Indomaret
Copy {
"service" : {
} ,
"acquirer" : {
"id" : "ALFA"
} ,
"channel" : {
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2021-08-12T07:06:28Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "5b8e438f-fac1-4103-9e0e-ebfdc38b5acb"
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-20210125-0001" ,
"amount" : 150000
} ,
"online_to_offline_info" : {
"payment_code" : "73"
} ,
"online_to_offline_payment" : {
"identifier" : [
"name" : "AGENT_ID" ,
"value" : "ALFAMART"
} ,
"name" : "AGENT_STORE_ID" ,
"value" : "store"
} ,
"name" : "AGENT_TRX_ID" ,
"value" : "1246"
Copy {
"service" : {
} ,
"acquirer" : {
"id" : "ALFA"
} ,
"channel" : {
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-20210125-0001" ,
"amount" : 150000
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2021-01-22T07:06:28Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "2103"
} ,
"online_to_offline_info" : {
"payment_code" : "8896512345678123"
} ,
"online_to_offline_payment" : {
"identifier" : [
"name" : "AGENT_ID" ,
"value" : "100001"
} ,
"name" : "AGENT_STORE_ID" ,
"value" : "10000232"
} ,
"name" : "AGENT_TRX_ID" ,
"value" : "c1aa04bf421e5b38c3d18933e9994d3f289def65"
} ,
"additional_info" : {
"insurance_info" : {
"policy_type" : "Dana Pendidikan" ,
"policy_number" : "9090901234" ,
"policy_account_name" : "Andreas" ,
"policy_status" : "aktif" ,
"bill_due_date" : "21 May 2021"
Copy {
"service" : {
} ,
"acquirer" : {
"id" : "INDOMARET"
} ,
"channel" : {
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2021-08-12T07:06:28Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "5b8e438f-fac1-4103-9e0e-ebfdc38b5acb"
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-20210125-0001" ,
"amount" : 150000
} ,
"online_to_offline_info" : {
"payment_code" : "73"
} ,
"online_to_offline_payment" : {
"identifier" : [
"name" : "AGENT_ID" ,
"value" : "INDOMARET"
} ,
"name" : "AGENT_STORE_ID" ,
"value" : "store"
} ,
"name" : "AGENT_TRX_ID" ,
"value" : "1246"
Convenience Store Notification Explanation
Parameter Type Mandatory Description The service that is used for the transaction
The acquirer that processed the transaction
The channel of the transaction
The transaction status to be use to update the status on merchant side
Possible value: SUCCESS
since Convenience Store only notify when payment is success
The date when the transaction is completed by the customer in ISO 8601 format (UTC + 0)
The request ID that sent when initiate the payment
The invoice number that sent when initate the payment
The amount of the transaction
The payment code number that used for the transaction
Same as the inquiry response
Same as the additional_info from the request
Here is the sample notification that DOKU will send to merchant's server.
Here is the sample notification request header :
Copy Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: 370c993c-e5ee-4dfc-9e47-0474b55c7b4b
Request-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=vl9DBTX5KhEiXmnpOD0TSm8PYQknuHPdyHSTSc3W6Ps
Parameter Description Client ID you retrieved from DOKU Back Office
Unique random string (max 128 characters) that generated by DOKU to make sure no duplicate notification
Time Stamp request on UTC time in ISO8601 format
Verify the Signature to ensure the Notification Authenticity coming from DOKU. Please refer to this section
Here is the sample notification request body :
Shopeepay OVO Open API
Copy {
"service" : {
"id" : "EMONEY"
} ,
"acquirer" : {
"id" : "SHOPEE_PAY"
} ,
"channel" : {
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-20210124-0001" ,
"amount" : 150000
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2021-07-09T02:06:14Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "24bb5232-3fe6-47a5-b0b0-d0fc3c6b5fdb"
} ,
"shopeepay_configuration" : {
"merchant_ext_id" : "846609710695590" ,
"store_ext_id" : "99012984"
} ,
"shopeepay_payment" : {
"transaction_status" : "3" ,
"transaction_message" : "SUCCESS" ,
"identifier" : [
"value" : "INV-20210124-0001"
} ,
"name" : "TRANSACTION_SN" ,
"value" : "5928618974087420594542231456745334310931540501886465026193020656"
} ,
"name" : "USER_ID_HASH" ,
"value" : "1933182965027045219980555801600298133716162755914500208775934992"
Shopeepay Notification Explanation
Parameter Type Mandatory Description The service that is used for the transaction
The acquirer that processed the transaction
The channel of the transaction
The invoice number that sent when initate the payment
The amount of the transaction
The transaction status to be use to update the status on merchant side
Possible value: SUCCESS, FAILED
The date when the transaction is completed by the customer in ISO 8601 format (UTC + 0)
The request ID that sent when initiate the payment
The credential from ShopeePay
The credential from ShopeePay
The status code from ShopeePay
Possible value: 3
for success, 4
for failed
The status message from ShopeePay
Possible value: SUCCESS, FAILED
List of transaction identifier that coming from the acquiring. Merchant can save these data for reference
DOKU OVO Open API will publish 3 scenarios that are in the process before payment to after payment. Here are the cases that will be published :
Copy {
"service" : {
"id" : "EMONEY"
} ,
"acquirer" : {
"id" : "OVO"
} ,
"channel" : {
"id" : "EMONEY_OVO"
} ,
"customer" : {
"id" : "123123123" ,
"name" : "Joko" ,
"email" : "" ,
"phone" : "081287458232" ,
"additional_info" : "Test"
} ,
"wallet" : {
"issuer" : "OVO" ,
"token_id" : "410d3bce942991550d81f20171234df3" ,
"masked_phone_number" : "****0621" ,
"status" : "SUCCESS"
OVO Open API - Binding Notification Explanation
Parameter Type Mandatory Description The service that is used for the transaction
The acquirer that processed the transaction
The channel of the transaction
Customer name that sent when initiate the payment
Customer email that sent when initiate the payment
Customer phone that sent when initiate the payment
Customer additional_info that sent when initate the payment
Wallet issuer that receive on API Get List Token OVO Response
Wallet token ID that receive on API Get List Token OVO Response
Wallet Masked Phone Number that receive on API Get List Token OVO Response
Copy {
"service" : {
"id" : "EMONEY"
} ,
"acquirer" : {
"id" : "OVO"
} ,
"channel" : {
"id" : "EMONEY_OVO"
} ,
"customer" : {
"id" : "123123123" ,
"name" : "Joko" ,
"email" : "" ,
"phone" : "081287458232" ,
"additional_info" : "Test"
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-20210124-0001" ,
"amount" : 200000
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2021-06-11T02:17:59Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "4bb5232-3fe6-47a5-b0b0-d0fc3c6b5fdb"
} ,
"ovo_payment" : {
"ovo_id" : "08227631610000" ,
"cash_used" : 19000 ,
"point_used" : 1000 ,
"response_code" : OVO 123213 ,
"response_message" : Blablabla
} ,
"additional_info" : {
"message" : "no additional info" ,
"test" : "test"
OVO Open API - Payment Notification Explanation
Parameter Type Mandatory Description The service that is used for the transaction
The acquirer that processed the transaction
The channel of the transaction
Customer name that sent when initiate the payment
Customer email that sent when initiate the payment
Customer phone number that sent when initiate the payment
Customer additional_info that sent when initate the payment
Merchant transaction id unique per client id
Status of transaction
Possible value :SUCCESS, FAILED
Transaction requested to Bank on UTC time in ISO8601 format
Request ID to DOKU API when generate payment / refund
Copy {
"service" : {
"id" : "EMONEY"
} ,
"acquirer" : {
"id" : "OVO"
} ,
"channel" : {
"id" : "EMONEY_OVO"
} ,
"customer" : {
"id" : "123123123"
} ,
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-20210124-0001"
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "REFUNDED" ,
"date" : "2021-06-11T02:17:59Z" ,
"original_request_id" : "4bb5232-3fe6-47a5-b0b0-d0fc3c6b5fdb"
} ,
"ovo_payment" : {
"ovo_id" : "08227631610000"
} ,
"refund" : {
"id" : "864271549283077864271549287589" ,
"amount" : 6000 ,
"ovo_cash" : 5000 ,
"ovo_point" : 1000 ,
"reason" : "Cancel Order" ,
"response_code" : OVO 123213 ,
"response_message" : Blablabla
} ,
"additional_info" : {
"message" : "no additional info" ,
"test" : "test"
Parameter Type Mandatory Description
Direct Debit
Here is the sample notification that DOKU will send to merchant's server.
Here is the sample notification request header :
Copy Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: af0fa6bf-5295-42ff-9291-8dfd51976bf0
Request-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=vl9DBTX5KhEiXmnpOD0TSm8PYQknuHPdyHSTSc3W6Ps=
Parameter Description Client ID you retrieved from DOKU Back Office
Unique random string (max 128 characters) that generated by DOKU to make sure no duplicate notification
Time Stamp request on UTC time in ISO8601 format
Verify the Signature to ensure the Notification Authenticity coming from DOKU. Please refer to this section
Here is the sample notification request body :
Copy {
"order" : {
"invoice_number" : "INV-20210118-0001" ,
"amount" : 90000
} ,
"transaction" : {
"status" : "SUCCESS" ,
"date" : "2021-02-17T16:33:26.362464" ,
"original_request_id" : "b6a465ea-bb65-48b2-a22b-3e8fb51cf22e"
} ,
"service" : {
} ,
"acquirer" : {
"id" : "BRI"
} ,
"channel" : {
} ,
"card_payment" : {
"masked_card_number" : "************8232" ,
"response_code" : "0000" ,
"response_message" : "SUCCESS" ,
"payment_id" : "510119432113"