
Integration Steps

Overview of integration process with ShopeePay.

1. Payment

Payment process using ShopeePay doesn't require account binding. After customer creates an order and chooses ShopeePay as payment method on merchant's platform, merchant will hit this payment API to get redirect URLs to ShopeePay's platform for customer to complete the payment.

API Endpoint

Sample of Request Header, Request Body and Response Body


Parameter with (*) is mandatory

Paramater without (*) is optional/conditional

2. Payment Notification

After payment is completed, DOKU will send HTTP Notification to merchant's defined Notification URL. Learn how to handle the notification from DOKU.

3. Additional Feature

Online Refund

This endpoint is used to create refund request for previous successful payment. Merchant can request a transaction refund to DOKU.

API Endpoint

Sample of Request Header, Request Body and Response Body


Parameter with (*) is mandatory

Paramater without (*) is optional/conditional

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